
House SoftWashing

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What is a House SoftWash...and What is not?!

Authentic SoftWashing is a multi-step cleaning process, not just an application of bleach and soap using a pressure washer. In fact, you CANNOT SoftWash using a pressure washer. In the simplest explanation, SoftWashing is:

  1. Hydrate—water the plants, landscape and perimeter of the home,

  2. Treat—apply SoftWash cleaning solution, allow to dwell—kills the organic growth,

  3. Rinse—apply clean, fresh water to rinse away the cleaning solution,

  4. Neutralize—apply "Finishing Soap" to wash the home and neutralize the cleaning solution,

  5. Rinse—apply generous amounts of clean water, thoroughly rinsing the home,

  6. Fortify—apply a healthy solution of neutralizers and soil & plant food to nourish the landscape, restoring healthy levels of bacteria to the soil,

  7. Hydrate—Rinse the plants and landscape, especially rinsing the foliage.

Why SoftWashing lasts longer than power washing

SoftWashing is a real clean and sanitize. Or more accurately, it DISINFECTS. Why would you need your home exterior disinfected?! Well, let’s start with what makes your home discolored. Is it really dirt, smog, pollution, jet fuel exhaust…we’ve heard it all. NO! Most of what makes your home "dirty" is organic growth—mold, mildew, algae (bacteria), fungi, moss, lichens, and more…the Funky Bunch! No other cleaning method--power washing, “low pressure cleaning”, hand washing—kills more organic growth than our Authentic SoftWashing! This is why SoftWashing treatments last 3 to 6 years, depending on your homes environmental conditions and your preference for how clean you want to maintain your home. There's lots to say about the environmental benefits too! We use 2/3 LESS water than traditional pressure washing. No fossil fuels are consumed to operate our equipment—after all, we don't use a pressure washer. And you clean your home MUCH less often, compounding your benefits from our Authentic SoftWashing!

  • 5-Yr Clean-Roof Guarantee
  • 2-Yr Clean-Home Guarantee
  • No Pressure Washer Used
  • Uses 2/3 LESS water
  • The most experienced Authentic SoftWashing service in your neighborhood

Call Now for Roof SoftWashing Services:

Here’s What Our Satisfied Customers Are Saying…

We are very happy with the results of the work done by Super SoftWash. Our house and gutters look so much better than before, and at a fraction of the price of painting. We were also very impressed when the owner of the company showed up to inspect the work, and suggested a tweak here and there at no cost to us. That crew just left and their touch-up work is excellent, and their crew chief Jacob did a great job explaining things to us, etc. In a world of shoddy work and scam artists, Superior SoftWash is a breath of fresh air and we highly recommend them!

Rey Jhon B.

We are very happy with the results of the work done by Super SoftWash. Our house and gutters look so much better than before, and at a fraction of the price of painting. We were also very impressed when the owner of the company showed up to inspect the work, and suggested a tweak here and there at no cost to us. That crew just left and their touch-up work is excellent, and their crew chief Jacob did a great job explaining things to us, etc. In a world of shoddy work and scam artists, Superior SoftWash is a breath of fresh air and we highly recommend them!

Denise H

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